Monday, September 17, 2007

Topic of the Week


When you knit or crochet dishcloths, washcloths or face clothes, what do you use? What size needle or hook? Wood? what type? Metal? Plastic? A specific Brand? Why do you love that needle or hook so much? Is there one you are dying to try? Is there a particular yarn you love and use all the time for clothes? What is so special about it?

I use dishcloths mostly. I usually use 6 or 7's and prefer bamboo knitting needles over metal..but will use metal in a pinch. Metal is OK for somethings due to it having a pointier tip but bamboo is good at keeping stitches on the needles. I'd love to try the rosewood and ebony ones or even the new knit picks wooden ones. Most the time I use acrylic or cotton due to the durability of the fabrics with a 5 year old boy. Nothing special just cost effective.

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