From the top left clockwise: A package of tissues made in Germany, A ball band dishcloth, the rest of the skein of yarn the pattern forth dishcloth and another pattern, a lime green skein of cotton, a stationary set, the paper that came in the package announcing what it was for, a orange scrubbie, and a package of soap from Island Bath and Body. Thanks so much Betty. And it was mailed from Hawaii cool stuff.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Guess what came in the mail today!!!!!
My Fall into Autumn package or should I say packages. Two to be exact.
From the top left clockwise: A package of tissues made in Germany, A ball band dishcloth, the rest of the skein of yarn the pattern forth dishcloth and another pattern, a lime green skein of cotton, a stationary set, the paper that came in the package announcing what it was for, a orange scrubbie, and a package of soap from Island Bath and Body. Thanks so much Betty. And it was mailed from Hawaii cool stuff.
From the top left clockwise: A package of tissues made in Germany, A ball band dishcloth, the rest of the skein of yarn the pattern forth dishcloth and another pattern, a lime green skein of cotton, a stationary set, the paper that came in the package announcing what it was for, a orange scrubbie, and a package of soap from Island Bath and Body. Thanks so much Betty. And it was mailed from Hawaii cool stuff.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Fall into Autumn Week 3 Question
Autumn has now officially begun here in the States!! What is your favorite thing about Autumn/Fall? Why?
I love watching the leaves change here in Wisconsin....I love the reds and oranges and yellows.
I love watching the leaves change here in Wisconsin....I love the reds and oranges and yellows.
When one door shuts another door just may have to open it yourself.
Hey guys and gals. I just received insurance from my job and also received my first check with the premium taken out...ouch!!! I had to tell my husband that after bills were paid we wouldn't get spending every check....yeah ouch again. And he wasn't upset he was just worried about paying a bill that he normally pays out of his spending. Well yesterday I was called by my second job or summer job wondering if I wanted to work for them during the school year. I thought OK. But they wanted me to work 1 hour 3 days a $9 and hour. My husband's hours have changed so he has to work 2ND shift now because they no longer are running a 3rd shift. So I had to turn the job down. Well today my supervisor asks if I would mind working and extra hour a day at $11.08 an hour...heck yeah. So I will get to the point. This means one of 2 things either my insurance premiums will be going from $324 a month to around $115 a month or I will get paid hourly for those hours....either way I will be getting more money on my checks....happy happy joy joy.
In other news I am now sick...I've been living on hot tea and soup for 3 days and fun.
In other news I am now sick...I've been living on hot tea and soup for 3 days and fun.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Catching up
Well Friday night I went to Milwaukee Wisconsin for a Bridal Shower for my best friend. And took with me the bikini, boa and purse. She loved them but wasn't sure if she would wear them. But that's OK. Now I'm working on making them dishcloths and a bath mat along with the back washer I already have finished. Drew is still sick poor thing. Some days he's fine then the next he's running a fever. He also had an infected finger from a hang nail. So I had to poke it and remove all the pus and make my boy cry...I felt so bad but he needed to have it cleaned out. So then he wouldn't eat. I even tried to bribe him with McDonald's but that didn't work either. So I was up half the night with him. I also found out due to insurance premium that we may have to go without spending money. My DH isn't happy about it but he dropped our insurance 3 years ago because the premiums were too high. So we've been without insurance for almost 3 years. And insurance through my work is $162 a paycheck/biweekly. And I had to fight to get insurance from them in the first place so I'm not giving it up now.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Check out my pirate name...
My pirate name is:
Mad Bess Rackham

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
I got an na na nana boo
I got my invite tonight. Right before I checked my mail I checked Ravelry and it said there was 145 people in front of me but when I checked my mail there was my invite.
Edit: My name is mommieofdrew...I know how creative.
Edit: My name is mommieofdrew...I know how creative.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Topic of the Week
When you knit or crochet dishcloths, washcloths or face clothes, what do you use? What size needle or hook? Wood? what type? Metal? Plastic? A specific Brand? Why do you love that needle or hook so much? Is there one you are dying to try? Is there a particular yarn you love and use all the time for clothes? What is so special about it?
When you knit or crochet dishcloths, washcloths or face clothes, what do you use? What size needle or hook? Wood? what type? Metal? Plastic? A specific Brand? Why do you love that needle or hook so much? Is there one you are dying to try? Is there a particular yarn you love and use all the time for clothes? What is so special about it?
I use dishcloths mostly. I usually use 6 or 7's and prefer bamboo knitting needles over metal..but will use metal in a pinch. Metal is OK for somethings due to it having a pointier tip but bamboo is good at keeping stitches on the needles. I'd love to try the rosewood and ebony ones or even the new knit picks wooden ones. Most the time I use acrylic or cotton due to the durability of the fabrics with a 5 year old boy. Nothing special just cost effective.
On or off the Needles and things on hold edited
Just thought I'd update everyone on what I have been working on and what I've finished.
Bra and Thong with removable fun fur for Best friend's bridal shower...done
Boa with the bra and pantie set for Best Friend's bridal shower....done

Bra and Thong with removable fun fur for Best friend's bridal shower...done

Boa with the bra and pantie set for Best Friend's bridal shower....done

Mandy Candy bag for Best Friend's Bridal shower...done do you see the nose????

Baby blanket for other Friend's baby born in March...still working on..maybe half way done

Dishcloth for Fall into Autumn Swap...Haven't even picked out the yarn yet
Dishcloth Towel set for Best Friend's Wedding Present....not started yet but wedding is Sept. 21 so I better get cracking decided to change it to a bath set. It's more blue than the pic shows.

Dishcloth for Fall into Autumn Swap...Haven't even picked out the yarn yet
Dishcloth Towel set for Best Friend's Wedding Present....not started yet but wedding is Sept. 21 so I better get cracking decided to change it to a bath set. It's more blue than the pic shows.

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sick child...
Drew woke up Fri morning with a seal like bark and soar throat. then at like 245am this morning while DH and i were having "alone time"...drew barges in and sounded horrible and had a temp of 104 so i gave him Tylenol and his cold meds. we think he may have and upper respiratory infection...what fun. then i was up every hour or so checking his temp. Today he sounds a little better but we will see if he feels better in the am.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Upstream and downstream pals
Hey I received my Fall into Autumn downstream and upstream partner. I'm so excited now I have shopping to do and stuff.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Fall into Autumn Topic of the Week
Topic: Now that in some geographic locations the weather is starting to turn cooler, do you change the type of yarn(s) you knit/crochet with? If so, what do you now knit/crochet with instead and why? If not, why do you not switch and what do you knit/crochet with?
I tend to switch to acrylics and heavier yarns along with heavier and larger projects. Because here in Wisconsin it's nice to have the warmth in the winter especially if you have a cheapskate of hubby like I do who instead of turning the heat up tells us to put on more clothes or grab a
I tend to switch to acrylics and heavier yarns along with heavier and larger projects. Because here in Wisconsin it's nice to have the warmth in the winter especially if you have a cheapskate of hubby like I do who instead of turning the heat up tells us to put on more clothes or grab a
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I just signed up for Sock Wars II. If you are competitive and like to knit socks this might be the swap for you. Here is the addy.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sad News
I may be MIA for the rest of the week due to my last living grandmother dieing unexpectedly this morning. So please don't be offended if I don't comment on your comments or respond to your emails right away.
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